Why NOW is the Time to get a Closet Analysis

Shopping is in the air. It’s everywhere. You cant walk into a mall without seeing fall fashion; window displays have been changed, color palettes are darker, we’re seeing layering, coats and boots everywhere. Even on tv commercials and social media, everyone is talking about fall trends. So you’ve gone shopping, fell in love with your new pieces…but now what?

 I recently shopped with a client who commented after over 4 hours of shopping “Now I cant wait for it to get colder so I can wear all my new clothes.” We shopped for 50 and 60 degree weather clothes because thats what the stores are offering now, yet its still 80 and 90 degrees out. Your over your summer clothes, your excited to wear your fall clothes, but you’ve still got at least a month of transitional weather to go. So what do you do now?

Insert Closet Analysis! Now is the time to book a closet analysis and this is exactly why. There are in actuality 6 seasons in lovely New England to dress for- Spring transition, Spring, Summer, Fall transition, Fall, and Winter. So instead of looking and feeling “eh” for the month of September because your not excited about your clothes, get re-energized with a Closet Analysis! I will go through your summer and fall wardrobes, choose transitional pieces and layer outfits together in a way that will extend the life of your summer clothes and allow you to begin integrating your new purchases into wear-now outfits. For example: your cant wait to wear your new fall boots but your pretty sure you’ll pass out from heat exhaustion if you wear them with your new skinny chords and blazer. Then pair them with one of your favorite sun dresses or shorts! The possibilities are endless when you let me into your closet and NOW is the perfect time!

Watch a real live closet analysis to get a better idea of exactly what it is and how it can help you!

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