How Fashion is Just Like the Grocery Store

I had a major epiphany! One that allowed me to relate to non-shopaholics like I never have before!


You see it began in aisle 8… that’s a lie, it began when I ran out of food in my house and procrastinated on going to the grocery store for days. I didn’t want to go food shopping because I don’t like food shopping. And I don’t like food shopping because I don’t understand it. I don’t enjoy cooking, I rarely ever do it. So going to the grocery store is overwhelming because I don’t know what I’m looking for. Nothing that goes together is in aisles next to each other with directions on them and a picture of a complete meal. I simply can’t envision the final product or understand what food goes with what other food to taste good together. Spices? Forget about it! And I have no desire to learn. Cooking simply does not appeal to me, so food shopping is a daunting task who’s main purpose is for me to do something I don’t want to or know how to do. Sometimes I even pump myself up, like “ok I’m an adult (ish), I can do this.” I have even armed myself with lists and recipes. Get inside and nope… I just want to lay down and have a temper tantrum.


Then it hit me, this is how my clients feel! All those who tell me they hate shopping, they fear the mall, they don’t know how to put outfits together. I get it! It’s like a vicious cycle: you don’t enjoy the dreaded task but you do desire the outcome, so you grudgingly attempt it without being armed with the proper tools and mindset, get udderly discouraged at the first minor setback then give up and settle for medicore. I LOVE to eat and I LOVE food. But I do not love cooking, I have no idea what ingredients go together to make a delicious meal, so I don’t attempt it. Which then causes me to despise (like really despise) the grocery store because nothing in it makes sense to me, or quickly and easily get me to my desired outcome- yummy food already prepared for me! Just the same, my clients desire to look delicious! To feel confident in a flattering, polished outfit made up of individual garments and accessories that came together harmoniously to create a look. And to achieve an entire wardrobe like this without the dreaded wandering aimlessly around the store shopping trip. I can finally completely relate!


So what’s my solution? I don’t go to the grocery store to buy meals, I just go to get the things I am comfortable picking up (water, bread, eggs, dog food, anything frozen). I leave the intense shopping and definitely the cooking to my boyfriend. I am fortunate enough to have him take this burden off me, plus he is an excellent cook! And your solution? Me! Okay, in more general terms, your solution is a Wardrobe Consultant and Personal Shopper. Someone to give you your own personal recipe for a complete wardrobe, with essentials pieces and direction on how to wear them together. Someone to walk through the mall with you  selecting fashion ingredients for you. To make you a personal recipe book of outfits to take the stress, anxiety, insecurity and procrastination out of dressing your best.  (If this sounds like a game changer to you let’s chat more!)


So are you Team Fashion or Team Groceries??


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