A Stylists Confession: My Very Own Wardrobe Crisis

I’ve styled quite a few pregnant clients, family and friends throughout their various stages of pregnancy. But getting pregnant and shopping for myself was a whole new ball game! At first I was everything panicky that my clients were when they came to me:

– Clothes not fitting the same as the used to and me wondering if everyone who sees me notices right away or if it was just all in my head.
– Then when things could no longer physically button or zipper worrying about spending money on new items knowing I wasn’t sure how my body was going to change each month or how long they would fit me.
– Also where on earth to buy these new clothes?
– And then came the newfound fear of whether or not things were appropriate. Even though you’re pregnant is it appropriate to wear tight fitting garments on any occasion? Winter is coming and I was excited to wear my thigh high boots again… but even though it’s on trend is that appropriate for a mom to be?!
I panicked a little, not going to lie. And then I proceeded to make what I recognized afterwards as the same mistakes my clients make: I ran out to buy new clothes without fully understanding my new body type OR trying on items I already had to see what still fits or not.
While standing in the middle of a tornado of clothing, old and new, and feeling completely defeated and like I was failing the world and myself as a stylist, it finally dawned on me to snap the heck out of it! The stylist in me had to have a one on one with the client in me. Yes, I was pregnant. Yes, my body was about to go through major changes. But throwing a hissy fit because I really wanted to wear my leather leggings and favorite jeans but couldn’t fit them anymore and I couldn’t find them in maternity sizes wasn’t going to accomplish anything. I needed to stop the madness and approach this crisis as I would when any of my clients come to me, with the steps to Wardrobe Consulting:
1> Style Evaluation. Taking an honest look at what my new-found issues in dressing were and conquering them. Starting first with letting go of my control issue of thinking about how my body should be shaped or trying to forecast how it will change, where I should be shopping and what I was “allowed” to wear. I instead began embracing the right now and coming up with a plan to make feel look and feel my best beginning immediately.
2> Closet Analysis. I forced myself to stop the frantic store runs and online shopping sessions for maternity clothes and instead take an inventory of what I already owned. I pulled out styles that were flowy, stretchy and that I knew would fit me for at least the next few weeks. And then I tried them all on to confirm what I had that I could still wear and what I looked and felt good in. It turned out that I had several maxis dresses and basic tees that I hadn’t previously worn because they were too tight, but now that I could show off my growing bump they were perfect. And the same for the opposite- I had several flowy tops that hid it all and looked perfectly fine.
3> Shopping Trip. Trying on and pulling aside everything that still fit helped me see exactly what I still needed, and those became the garments I shopped for, which were mostly bottoms. I focused on ensuring I had properly fitting basics, while pulling in trendier pieces that may fit for a shorter amount of time so I spent less on them.  I shopped in both maternity and non-maternity sizes, and compared fits to make the best spending choices.
4> Coordinating Session.  I again tried on everything I had purchased, but at home this time to incorporate the new pieces into my existing “prego” wardrobe. For example, making sure tops were long enough to cover my belly when wearing non-maternity pants that maybe didn’t come so high. And pairing new maternity tops with my existing blazers and sweaters to pull the most polished combos together. And very importantly, I organized it all. I cleared a section front and center in my closet to house everything I knew fit now. This step is super important, so each day I wasn’t subjecting myself to rifling through clothes I wanted to wear but couldn’t, and making myself waste even more time.
5> Look Book.  As I tried each combo on I added shoes and accessories and snapped a quick picture with my phone. I stored them all in my virtual look book, so that I could keep track of what looked great together and save myself time each morning trying on combos that didn’t work and end up discouraged and leaving the house not feeling my best.
So whether it’s weight gain, weight loss, body transformation, new trends, trouble putting outfits together or not feeling comfortable in your garments- the solution is all the same and goes back to these basics steps!
And if it is pregnancy that has caused you your own wardrobe crisis, check out my rant on how hard it is to find stylish maternity clothes and stay tuned for tips on shopping for and styling them.
Having a Wardrobe Crisis right now and many of my own feelings and obstacles are especially hitting home for you? I’d love to hear your story! Click here to set up a call.
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